Give Your Members an Opportunity to Network with Each Other

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Give Your Members an Opportunity to Network with Each Other

networking, international, engagement, forum, message board, conversation, email list, emailFebruary 3-7 is International Networking Day! 

One of the best ways to encourage engagement (whether networking internationally, nationally, regionally, or locally) and build a strong community is to encourage your members to communicate with one another via a message board. 

The message board (forum) is organized into boards and topics. The boards correspond to a category of conversation, and within each board are different topics relevant to that board (category). Once a topic is posted (typically a question), members can then start the discussion and reply to the question (or to other members' replies).

Our message boards offer an email list service, so members have the opportunity to opt-in/opt-out of various boards. If opted in to a given board, they will receive emails when new topics or responses are posted within that board.

PLEASE NOTE: We are excited to announce that will be updating our message board module soon.