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2024 CEQA Essentials Webinar An Introduction & Intermediate-Level Training
Originally aired Tuesday, December 3rd | 9:00am - 4:30pm
The Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) invites you to register for the CEQA Essentials Webinar! This webinar, a virtual version of our 2024 CEQA Essentials in-person workshop, provides a basic understanding of the fundamentals of the California Environmental Quality Act and the State Guidelines, and includes intermediate-level practice pointers and case studies. This webinar features a curriculum developed specifically for people involved in the environmental review process, including consultants, regulators, applicants, or industry professionals, and will benefit those new to the field as well as mid-level practicing professionals. AICP & MCLE credited.
Topics will include:
Context & Legislative Intent
The Rules & Principles
Preliminary Review
Effective Project Description
Preparing Effective Initial Studies
EIR Contents & Process
Subsequent Review
NEPA - The Big Picture
Special Topic: OPR & The State Clearinghouse
Member (Full/Agency/Corporate): $125
Member (Young Professional/Emeritus): $75
Member (Student): $25
Non-Member: $225
Non-Member Group Rate (per person for groups of 3+): $150