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2020 CEQA Essentials Workshop Webinar for Early Stage Practitioners
Northern California Panel Originally aired Thursday, October 8, 2020| 8:30am - 1:00pm
The Association of Environmental Professionals invites you to register for the CEQA Essentials Workshop, a 4-hour webinar with an added 30 minutes of wrap-up/Q&A and networking. The curriculum provides a basic understanding of the fundamentals of the California Environmental Quality Act and the State Guidelines and includes practice pointers and case studies for early stage practitioners. This webinar features a curriculum developed specifically for people involved in the environmental review process including consultants, regulators, applicants, or industry professionals, and will benefit those new to the field as well as practicing professionals who would like a refresher on the essentials. Attendees will receive all workshop materials virtually prior to the webinar, and the webinar recording will be made available to attendees afterward for reference.
The curriculum will focus on the following topics:
» Understanding the Context and Legislative Intent of the Statute and Guidelines
» Guiding Principles and the CEQA Process
» How to Prepare Effective Project Descriptions and Initial Studies
» Mitigated/Negative Declaration Documents
» Types of EIR Documents
» How to Stay Current
» Findings
» Notices
4 AICP credits may be earned for attending this event.
Laurel Glass Lees, Controlled Thermal Resources
Chris Mundhenk, Ascent Environmental
Richard Daulton, Rincon Consultants
Emily Bacchini, Sacramento Municipal Utility District