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2021 Intermediate CEQA Workshop Webinar for Practitioners
Originally aired Wednesday, February 10th | 8:30am - 1:00pm
The Association of Environmental Professionals invites you to register for the Intermediate CEQA Workshop, a 4-hour webinar with an added 30 minutes of wrap-up/Q&A and networking. The curriculum takes us beyond the essentials to provide a deeper understanding of how the California Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelines are practiced, and includes illustrative examples and case studies for mid-stage professionals. This webinar features a curriculum developed specifically for those involved in the environmental review process including consultants, applicants, or industry professionals, and will benefit practicing professionals as well as early stage practitioners looking to level up their skillset. In addition to the curriculum, there will be interactive Q&A plus networking time thereafter.
The curriculum will focus on the following topics:
» A Brief Refresher on CEQA Essentials
» Exemptions (unusual circumstances, standard of review, mitigation/avoidance)
» Initial Studies and NDs/MNDs (Fair Arguments)
» Draft EIRs (Scoping, Objectives, Baseline, Thresholds, Mitigation, Cumulative Analysis, Alternatives)
» Final EIRs (Responding to Comments, Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations)
» Subsequent Review (Addenda, Supplemental Documents, §15183)
4 AICP credits may be earned for attending this webinar.
Moderator: Laurel Glass Lees, Controlled Thermal Resources US Inc. Speakers: